Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just completed Week 2!!

I almost didn't go though. I've been sick all weekend and I should have completed the week on either Fri or yesterday which discouraged me, but the weather was nice so I decided to just go. I was the usual nervousness for training in my neighborhood, but I was like what the hell..just go. I wasn't as fast I was on the treadmill..but, I still made good time. My mile was 14:33 (according to my ipod) which it had been 14:04 on the treadmill..but, I figure there is nothing forcing me to go a certain speed out on the road so my time outside is more realistic. My legs were tired and I felt like walking a few times, but I pushed through anyway...The best part was two of my neighbors that I usually talk when I'm out walking Maddie stopped me to tell me that they were so proud that I was out there running! It felt nice to hear that others were noticing my efforts in a good light. My neighbor from across the way even said that inspired her to go back to Nutrisystem :)

So, now I am on to Week 3..I'm nervous, I think this is the point where you actually have to really start going distances..if anything I'm going to go really slow and go from there...I understand the whole science of endorphins (sp??) now..well, not completely...I feel so good when I'm finished with my workout. Its like I totally could just smile and laugh. GREAT feeling. I hope the weather stays nice..I'd like to continue to keep running outside..Well, time to get ready for another week with my kiddos! Usual Sunday Night ritual...laundry, dishwasher, dinner..I hope everyone has had a wonderful Sunday! :D

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