Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March!!

I think this has been the fastest February I've had in a long time. It just flew by! So...W2D1 DONE! It was tough though...I need to make sure that I stretch before I legs started to hurt almost immediately, it weird I didn't feel winded at all but, my legs were hurting. I hope this is just growing pains and goes away before the end of the week. I'm proud of myself..I kept going even though my legs hurt and the temptation to stop was "running" wild. So, here's my question..who should I trust...the treadmill said I ran a mile in 16:33, but, my ipod said I ran a mile in 14:32..which I totally want to believe my ipod because that was fantastic!! But, I don't know who to trust..both of them could be inaccurate. I hope my time just keeps going down..I'd like to ultimately run the mile around 10 minutes..but, we'll see..I don't know if that is going to happen.

My day was a pretty good one. Work was relatively drama free..the kids were happy..I somewhat followed a healthy diet with one exception. I did pretty well portions. My exception is that one of my coworkers gave me a pack of peeps. I so could not resist them! They were delicious! I didn't eat them in one sitting but the whole pack was gone before I left work. I really don't feel too bad about it. I usually only get peeps once a year and this could be my feast for 2010. I do have to say, I miss Target's red peeps...they were the best. Now, onto dinner...what should I make that is going to hold me for the rest of the night...Yesterday was a disaster...I didn't eat a complete meal so I snacked and binged periodically through the day. If I don't have enough food in the house that is when my healthy eating goes out the window. Oh to be rich and not worry about how much it is going to cost to go to the grocery store. Well, I think thats that for now. Its high in sodium but, I'm thinking red beans and rice for dinner. Yummy!

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