Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 1.1.11

So instead of calling it a my New Year Resolution, I've created a 2011 To Do List. I feel like that is an easier way to accomplish my goals when I am able to check it off a to do list. So...

2011 To Do List

#1. get my head around my finances/budget/saving $$$
#2. train for a race/run a race
#3. reread all of the Harry Potter Series before the last movie comes out
#4. take the GRE/ apply to P.T.A program
#5. travel for my 30th bday (need ideas)
#6. move to Durham! (June)
#7. cook
#8. visit Heather & the girls in London.
#9. Find myself Spiritually
#10. 8 hours of Sleep per night (I don't know if this will be accomplished, but I'm going to try.)
#11. Declutter

I've already started to work on #2. I got up this morning and walked 3.2 mi. I figured I need to slowly work my way up to running because I don't want to burn out early on. I've joined this walk a marathon in 30 days challenge for, I figure thats a good kick off and then I'll move back to couch to 5k. The only race that I have committed to running so far is the Run for the Money in Gastonia in April. I figure that is enough time to train. I'm on the lookout for a race in ATL as well. The walk was really nice..I walked through a neighborhood near my really reminded me of the town that I grew up in, Sleepy Hollow. There were minimal sidewalks, all the houses were at least 10-15 years old, actual yards surrounding the houses, and funny enough some of the streets were named the same as Sleep Hollow. Hickory Hollow, Laurel Hollow..if I saw Hillcrest Dr, I was going to have to check to make sure that I was actually in North Carolina and not Illinois..

The other one that I've started is Harry Potter. Its nice to go back to the beginning. I figure this will get me back into the swing of wanting to read for pleasure.

Going to go work on #11.


  1. I know a good book that will inspire you with the running and give you the info you need to do it right. Try "The Complete Guide to Running for Women". It helped me a lot back when I was just learning to run. It goes over the right kinds of shoes, how to build up speed and endurance and everything.

  2. Thanks Beth! I'm going to look into it..I need some assistance when it comes to getting started with running..I lose my motivation very easily!

  3. I like number six the best. ;-)
