Monday, February 22, 2010


So..I'm feeling inspired to write this blog because I have started a new program to get myself motivated to get in shape. I'm doing the Couch to 5K training program. I've always wanted to run, and I finally want to work towards doing it. I'm excited. I did my first day and I think it went pretty well. I walked for 5 minutes to warm up and then I alternated 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking (at a brisk rate). It wasn't too bad...I'm sure its going to get harder, but it makes me feel inspired to continue on the program. I need to take the day off tomorrow and find something different to do for a workout. Maybe I'll do some stretching and use weights.
Also, my first form of motivation is signing up for the Run for the Money in Gastonia. That way I have a sense of obligation to be training for something. So once I get paid this weekend, I'm going to sign up! :D


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